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High-strength constructional steel

Quality Guide Download: High-strength constructional steel

With this download you will find our ESB Quality Guide (data sheet) for High-strength constructional steel.

QualityTesting directionMaterial-No.Yield point ReL min. (MPa)

≤ 16 mm
Yield point ReL min. (MPa)

16 ≤ 40 mm
Tensile strength Rm (MPA)

3 ≤ 50 mm
Tensile strength Rm (MPA)

50 ≤ 100 mm
Elongation A5 (in %) min. Impact value Temp. °CImpact value KV / J
S460QQ1.8908460440550 - 720550 - 72017040
S460QLQ1.8906460440550 - 720550 - 72017050
S460QL1Q1.8916460440550 - 720550 - 72017060
S500QQ1.8924500500550 - 720550 - 72017040
S500QLQ1.8909500500550 - 720550 - 72017050
S500QL1Q1.8984500500550 - 720550 - 72017060
S550QQ1.8907550530640 - 820640 - 82016040
S550QLQ1.8926550530640 - 820640 - 82016050
S550QL1Q1.8986550530640 - 820640 - 82016060
S620QQ1.8914620580700 - 890700 - 89015040
S620QLQ1.8927620580700 - 890700 - 89015050
S620QL1Q1.8988620580700 - 890700 - 89015060
S690QQ1.8931690690770 - 940760 - 93014040
S690QLQ1.8928690690770 - 940760 - 93014050
S690QL1Q1.8988690690770 - 940760 - 93014060
S890QQ1.8940890860940 - 1100880 - 110011040
S890QLQ1.8983890860940 - 1100880 - 110011050
S890QL1Q1.8925890860940 - 1100880 - 110011060
S960QQ1.8941960860980 - 115010040
S960QLQ1.8933960860980 - 115010050
S960QL1Q1.8934960860980 - 115010060

High-strength constructional steel according DIN EN 10025-6

Amongst others, our product portfolio includes steels with higher yield point in the tempered state according to DIN EN 10025-6. Colloquially, this steel is also called high-strength constructional steel. Among them, the grades S460Q to S960QL1 are incorporated.

These steel grades have the following advantages

  • Excellent bendability and surface quality
  • Weldability with good strength and toughness
  • Excellent consistency or homogeneous grain structure in a sheet
  • High notched impact strength, which offers a good breaking strength

Details on the mechanical values can be found in the table above.

In addition, you can download the complete excerpt of our Quality Guide (QG) for the high-strength constructional steel via the link above.

We can supply the steel grades described as coil, slitted coil, sheets and cutted pieces.

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